Metaphysical Consulting

20 Minute Consultation
Not quite sure what the best way to move forward is?
Need some clarity on the offerings and some help figuring out what the best fit might be for you?
Book a 20 minute call and get your questions answered by Solah.
Please fill in the Questionnaire Assessment before booking this call as those results will help guide us.

Taster Coaching Session
Curious what it might be like to have
Coach Solah on your side, helping you manifest your dreams?
Book this session and receive...
deeper insight and feedback on where you're currently at and what’s required to move forward powerfully
3 next action steps created with the support of your coach
a follow up accountability email on those action steps you've set up for yourself
we'll determine if working together further in a one-on-one coaching capacity would be a great fit or if there are other recommendations that might better serve you, and if so, what those options could look like.
*only one Taster Coaching Session available at this price per client

Bespoke Coaching Packages
You're a unique being and
your needs are unique too.
Let's start with a Taster Coaching Session
and figure out from there
how you could be best served.
Custom coaching packages designed and priced according to your needs.

Mastermind Groups
Coming soon!
The benefits of tapping into a highly aligned
mastermind collective can be massive.
We'll likely create a group for new entrepreneurs and a group for those with more experience. Perhaps a group for lightworkers that are not running their own businesses too!
Please fill in the Mastermind Application below so that we can track interest and plan accordingly.
We'll be in touch once we have group offerings ready to go.